Indicator Species

Indicator Species

Indicator species, organism—often a microorganism or a plant—that serves as a measure of the environmental conditions that exist in a given locale. Indicator species are chosen for their sensitivity to environmental conditions. Example of indicator species such as:
·         Plants, algae, mosses, and fungi
-      The presence of certain species of plants suggests how well other species might grow in the same place.
-          Mosses often indicate acid soil.

-          Greasewood indicates saline soil

-          In Vancouver, Canada, the environmental health of estuaries is monitored by the indicator species of eel grass.
-      Lichens, which are a combination of an alga and a fungus growing together, are indicators of air pollution, especially sulfur dioxide, a waste product of burning sulfur-containing fossil fuels. In Great Britain, bushy lichens grow only in clean air. Leafy lichens tolerate some air pollution and crusty lichens can survive with higher levels of pollutants. If no lichens are present, it usually indicates heavy air pollution.

-        Tubifex worms indicate oxygen-poor and stagnant water unfit to drink.

-          Amphibians, Adult frogs and toads live on land and in water and are good indicator species since the skin of the adults is moist and permeable, allowing numerous pollutants entry into their bodies. Tadpoles live in water and indicate water quality issues.
-          Amphibians make good indicator species because we live in two environments, land and water, and have thin skin that we sometimes breathe through. Our thin skin can also absorb toxic chemicals, radiation, and diseases. If there are lots of frogs and other amphibians in a habitat, it means the ecosystem is healthy.

Salmon are an indicator species for wetland ecosystems of Greater Vancouver as well as over the greater Pacific Rim. The National Wildlife Federation lists them as species at risk due to pollution, river channelization, dams, deforestation and urban sprawl. Commercial farmed salmon increase the chance that accidental interbreeding occurs and that diseases could spread into wild populations.


  1. Nice ais, mungkin bisa ditambahkan penjelasan mengapa lumut dijadikan indikator tanah yang asam ?

  2. Aku setuju sama ruri mungkin bisa ditambahkan

  3. Nice information, ternyata banyak sekali organisme yang bisa dijadikan sebagai organisme indikator


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