

1.1  Background
Ecosystems have unequal productivity. The conversion speed from light energy to chemical energy in an ecosystem called primary productivity. Productivity within the terrestrial environment is affected by sediment, heat, light intensity, the length of the season, the mineral content, and the supply of carbon dioxide, which is influenced by sunlight by observing the light intensity, temperature and mineral availability (Zulkifli, 2010). Vegetation is a vegetation in its broadest sense. In general, the plant consists of several classes, among others, a tree that is in the form of a stand with certain characteristics. Then can be found bushes and others depending on the observed ecosystem. (Odum, 1993).
The spread of a plant species is indirectly influenced by interactions between vegetation with temperature, humidity, and topography conditions such as altitude and and soil depth. Sutaryo (2009) states that in certain environmental conditions each plant species is dispersed with varying levels of adaptation, thus leading to the presence or absence of a plant environment type in the environment (Ewusia, 1990).
Biomass is a useful and accessible measure, but it does not provide clues to population dynamics. Ecologists are attracted to productivity because if the dry weight of a community can be determined at a given time and the rate of dry weight changes can be measured, the data can be converted into energy transfer through an ecosystem. Using this information different ecosystems can be compared and the relative efficiency for changes in solar irradiance into organic matter can be calculated (Indriyanto, 2006).
Forests are natural resources that constitute an ecosystem, within this ecosystem, there is a mutual relationship between individuals and their environment. The growing environment of plants represents a growing environment of plants is a complex system, in which the various factors interact and fall into each other against the vegetation. Growth and development is a response of plants to environmental factors where the plant will respond according to tolerance limits possessed by these plants against these environmental factors (Indriyanto, 2006).
Plant biomass increases as plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and convert this substance into organic matter through photosynthesis. Unlike animals, plants make their own food called primary productivity which is divided into net primary productivity and gross primary productivity (Heddy, et al., 1986).The primary productivity of the gross is the total rate of photosynthesis, including the spent organic matter used in respiration during measurement time. This is also known as total photosynthesis or total assimilation. While net primary productivity is the rate of storage of organic matter in plant tissues during measurement time. So the keyword from the above definition is the rate, where the time element must be considered, ie the amount of time energy tied up within a certain time (Heddy, et al., 1986).
Given the large role of organic matter in improving soil productivity, it is necessary to locate potential and locally available sources of organic material. The potential source of organic material as a nutrient provider is a high quality organic material that has a C / N ratio. Usually people in dry land utilize organic material sources derived from their agricultural business such as crop residues or legume crop residues. But the availability of organic matter from this source is limited because it is used also as animal feed (Odum, 1993).

1.2  Problem Formulation
Based on the above background, the following is the formulation of the problem proposed in this study.
1.2.1        How to measure plant biomass?
1.2.2        How is biomass of lower plants per unit of time for overall biomass?

1.3  Purpose
Based on the formulation of the problems that have been proposed, the following is the purpose of this research, namely to:
1.3.1        Know how to measure plant biomass.
1.3.2        Knowing the biomass of the lower plants per unit time for the overall biomass

1.4 Usability Research
1.4.1 For Researchers
a.       As a means of training in conducting research in the field of ecology.
b.      To increase the knowledge of the biomass of the lower plants per unit time for the overall biomass.
1.4.2 For Students
a.       This research is expected to help develop ecological disciplines in various studies.
b.      For learning media for students and add insight of students' knowledge about biomass
c.       For comparison materials in doing further research.

1.5 Limitations of Research
The limitations in this study are.
1.5.1 This study is only conducted on the lower plants
1.5.2 The time interval used for the cutting process is three days.
1.5.3 The time interval used for the process of applying is three days.

1.6. Operational definition
1.6.1 Biomass is a term for the weight of living material, usually expressed as dry weight, for all or part of the body of the organism, population, or community.
1.6.2 Plant biomass is the total amount of dry weight of all parts of living plants and to facilitate it sometimes divided by plant biomass in soil bags (leaves, branches, branches, staples) and biomass in the soil (roots).
1.6.3 Gross primary productivity is the total rate of photosynthesis, including organic matter that is used up in respiration during measurement time. This is also known as total photosynthesis or total assimilation.
1.6.4 Primary net productivity is the rate of storage of organic matter in plant tissues during measurement time.


Biomass is a term for living weight, usually expressed as dry weight, for all or part of the body of an organism, population, or community. Plant biomass is the total amount of dry weight of all parts of plant life. Plant biomass increases as plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and convert this substance into organic matter through photosynthesis.
In the mechanism of coexistence, there is a close interaction between both the individual vegetation composers themselves and other organisms so that it is a dynamic and dynamically growing system of vegetation, soil and climate are closely related and in each place have a specific balance (Hamilton And King, 1988). Unlike animals, plants make their own food, called primary productivity, which is divided into net primary productivity and gross primary productivity (Heddy, 1986).
One of the biomass calculations is the biomass in the lower plants. Underwater plants indirectly have a role to the absorption of carbon dioxide because lower plants are able to maintain the moisture so that rapid decomposition process can provide nutrients for staple crops. Here the nutrient cycle can take place perfectly, the falling fall as the litter will be returned to the tree in nutrient form as it is known to be broken down by bacteria (Ewusie, 1990).
Sunlight provides the energy that drives almost the entire ecosystem, although only other photosynthetic plants and organisms use this energy source directly. Light intensity is not the most important factor limiting the growth of terrestrial plants, but shading by the forest canopy, making the competition to get the sunlight under the canopy becomes very tight (Campbell et al., 2008). The process of CO2 absorption by plants is strongly influenced by environmental factors. Increased soil temperature can stimulate decomposer metabolism activity to accelerate the rate of mineralization process (organic material reshuffle into CO2) which will be absorbed by the plant (Repository UPI, 2009).

Estimation of above ground biomass can be done by two approaches: (i) direct approach by making allometric equations; And (ii) an indirect approach, using expansion factot biomass: Despite the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, it should be noted that the indirect approach is based on a factor developed at the stand level of the forest with a closed canopy and can not be Used to make estimates of individual trees (IPCc, 2003). The carbon content of secondary forest vegetation can be estimated using biomass values ​​derived from allometric equations or biomass expansion factor (BEF) values ​​in which 50% of the biomass is stored carbon (Zulkifli, et al, 2010).
There are four main ways to calculate biomass: (i) in situ sampling by Destructive sampling; (ii) Non-destructive sampling with in situ forest data collection; (Iii) prediction through remote sensing; And (iv) modeling. For each of the above methods, allometric equations are used to extrapolate data snippets to a larger area. The use of standard published allometric equations is often done, but since the coefficients of these allometric equations vary for each location and species, the use of these standard equations can result in a significant error in estimating the biomass of a vegetation (Sutaryo, 2009).

3.1  Time and Place Research
The research was conducted on Thursday, April 27, 2017 in Biology Garden UM.

3.2  Research Method
The method used is the method of least squares with a size of 1m x 1m and 3 replications plot.

3.3  Equipment and Materials
3.3.1 Equipment
The tool used in this experiment is a grass trimmer, ovens, scales, ordinary scissors, trays, lux meter, soil analyzer, and a soil thermometer..
3.3.2 Material
As for the materials used in these experiments are contained in the green grass squares, newspapers, and raffia.

3.4  Methods
1.      Quadrant made from raffia with a size of 1m x 1m is placed at the sampling location, which had previously been taken at random.
2.      Then the remains of dead plant parts, leaves and twigs fall contained in each quadrant was taken and set aside. 
3.      Grass cut with scissors to the lawn mower out in one of the squares.
4.      Grass laid on newsprint and labeled in accordance with the code of the quadrant.
5.      After that, all the grass on newspaper paper neatly wrapped up solid
6.      Weighed and recorded as wet weight.
7.      Included in the oven at 800 ° C for 48 hours.
8.      After that the dry weight was weighed and recorded in the blank space provided.
3.5  Data Analysis
Data were analyzed with the following formula.
BB       =wet weight
BK      =dry weight


4.1  Data
Table 4.1 Wet Weight and Dry Weight on Each Plot
Wet weight (gr)
Dry weight (gr)

Table 4.2 Abiotic factors
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3
Soil thermometer (oC)
Lux meter (lux)

4.2 Data Analysis
Percentage of shrinkage :
% =
Day- 0
Plot 1   =
= 78,95%
Plot 2   =
            = 80,65%
Plot 3   =
            = 86,67%
Plot 2   =
            = 50%
Plot 3   =
            = 14,29%

Weight losses obtained on day 0 of plots 1, 2, and 3 were 78.95%, 80.65%, 86.67%. While on the 4th day of  weight data acquired  plot 2 shrinkage by 50%, and severe shrinkage day 8 at plot 3 was 14.29%.


Practical biomass for this time using the method of harvesting is done by cutting part of the plant that is above the ground level, the plants used are the grass on a plot size of 1 m x 1 m by 3 plots. Harvesting is done on days 0, 4 and 8. Harvesting is done in the morning. Parts of plants are cut further weighed.
The flow of energy in the ecosystem starts during the process of fixation during photosynthesis. Through photosynthesis light energy is converted into chemical energy stored by plants organic as stems, seeds, leaves, fruits, tubers, and others. Amount of energy collected by plants referred to as production or more specifically referred to as primary production. The rate of energy storage in plants is referred to as primary productivity. All the energy saved as a result of the photosynthetic process called gross primary production. Plants also need a certain amount of energy for life. Energy used for his life is taken from the photosynthesis through the process of respiration. So the energy stored by plants after deducting the respiration process called net primary production. Production is expressed in units of energy / unit area / unit time or unit of biomass / unit area / unit time. For example Kcal / m2/ year, g / m3/ day, shines the others (Dharmawan, 2005).
Weight losses obtained on day 0 of plots 1, 2, and 3 were 78.95%, 80.65%, 86.67%. While on the 4th day of  weight data acquired  plot 2 shrinkage by 50%, and severe shrinkage day 8 at plot 3 was 14.29%. Abiotic factors that measured in plot 1;  pH 7, the soil temperature is 25°C and light intensity of 1053 lux. In the plot 2 ; pH 7, the soil temperature is 25°C and light intensity of 1236 lux. While the plot 3; pH 7, the soil temperature is 25°C and light intensity of 1316 lux.
At the practice this time, it is generally obtained by the weight losses of harvesting is done. It shows there is a real change in an environment, it is supported by the theory according to Jordan (1985) in Wiharto (2007) that if the productivity of an ecosystem has changed little in a long period of time then it indicates the environmental conditions are stable, but if the changes dramatically, the show has been a change of a real environment or there were significant changes in the interaction between organisms constituent ecosystems.
Meanwhile, according to Campbell (2002) the difference in biomass in many ecosystems in the biosphere caused by the presence of a limiting factor in any ecosystem. The most important factor in productivity restrictions depending on the type of ecosystem and seasonal changes in the environment. This is made clear by weather conditions unpredictable plot that is sometimes hot and sometimes rain even in a day can experience both the weather. Rain causes a fixed amount of nitrogen in the air, and down to earth with the rain making the land becomes fertile.
Temperatures direct or indirect effect on productivity. Direct role in controlling the temperature of the enzymatic reaction in the photosynthetic process, so that high temperatures can increase the maximum rate of photosynthesis. Soil temperature also affects the rate of photosynthesis. Potential availability of hydrogen is high on tropical soils caused by organic acids produced continuously through respiration held by soil microorganisms and roots (soil respiration). If the ground is wet, the carbon dioxide (CO2) from the respiration of the land and water (H2O) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) which will then undergo dissociation into bicarbonate (HCO3-)and a charged hydrogen ions positive (H+).The hydrogen ions can then replace the existing nutrient cations in the soil colloids, then bicarbonate reacts with the cation released by the colloid, and the result of this reaction can be leached down through the soil profile (Wiharto, 2007).
Another factor affecting the biomass is light intensity. Light is the primary energy source for the ecosystem. This means that the plot was receiving more and more prolonged sunlight irradiation will have the opportunity to photosynthesize longer so as to support an increase in biomass. (Wiharto, 2007).
Lower plants such as grasses serves as a ground cover that keep moisture so rapid decomposition process can provide nutrients for other plants. Here, the nutrient cycle can take place perfectly, avalanches are falling as the litter will be returned to the tree in the form of nutrient elements which as is well known to be decomposed by bacteria (Ewusia, 1990). Plants such as grasses alike - each has an influence on the potential of biomass carbon uptake in the calculation, because the plants in the pasture has an important role in the carbon storage of photosynthesis (Ewusia, 1990).
Biomass plants grow because plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and transform these substances into organic matter through photosynthesis. In the mechanism of collective life that, there is a close interaction both amongst individuals vegetation component itself or other organism that is a system that life-style and dynamically growing vegetation, soil and climate are closely linked and at each place has a balance of specific (Hamilton and King, 1988)


5.1  Conclusion
1.      Weight losses obtained on day 0 of plots 1, 2, and 3 were 78.95%, 80.65%, 86.67%. While on the 4th day of weight data acquired plot 2 shrinkage by 50%, and severe shrinkage day 8 at plot 3 was 14.29%.
2.      The weight losses of harvesting shows that if the productivity of an ecosystem has changed little in a long period of time then it indicates the environmental conditions are stable.
3.      Plants such as grasses alike - each has an influence on the potential of biomass carbon uptake in the calculation, because the plants in the pasture has an important role in the carbon storage of photosynthesis

5.2  Suggestion
1        Practicum must be in accordance with the appropriate procedures
2        In the reading of the tool should be done carefully
3        When wrapping grass with newspapers should be really tight

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Sutaryo, D . 2009. Perhitungan Biomassa (Sebuah Pengantar Untuk Studi Karbon dan Perdagangan Karbon. Bumi Aksara : Jakarta.
Wiharto, M. 2007. Produktivitas Vegetasi Hutan Hujan Tropis. (Online). (http://www.geocities,com/roykarpet/produktivitas_hht.) diakses tanggal 10 Mei 2017
Zulkifli, H., Yustian, I. Dan Setiawan D. 2010. Kandungan Karbon Tersimpan Dalam Serasah Sebagai Mitigasi Dampak Perubahan Iklim Perkotaan. Sriwijaya Press : Palembang.


Practicum Reports
Prepared to fulfill duties of Ecology course
Lectured by Mr. Dr.Hadi Suwono, M.Sc. and
Mrs. Dr.Vivi Novianti, S.Si, M.Si.

Group 4 / Offering A
1.   Aisyatur Robia               (150341600791)
2.   Lelly Luckitasari            (150341600339)
3.   M. Hisham Baidlowi      (150341600339)
4.   Najatul Ubadati             ( 150341603981)
5.    Nor Azizah                     (150341603981)


May 2017


  1. Nice information Ais, hehe
    Saya sangat membutuhkan informasi ini untuk menambah pemahaman saya mengenai biomassa


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